Posted on: 03/20/2015

Plus size model Tia Duffy: Fashion designers need

Plus size model Tia Duffy: Fashion designers need to stop promoting anorexia France is considering new laws to forbid women from walking the runway if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is less than 18. It is hoped that the changes will prevent the promotion of an unhealthy body image and avoid glamorising eating disorders. Those who ignore the laws could face six months in prison or a fine of up to Euro 75,000. The move is welcomed by Tia Duffy, a 25-year-old fledgling model who is due to start filming a documentary about trying to make it in New York. "There was no diversity at all on the Paris runways - all the models used were size zero and were totally skeletal," the Dubliner stated. "Its sending out a sick is chic message to girls and Im really glad to see that it caused outrage," she added. "France is considered the birthplace of fashion and it is the last bastion of this size zero mentality. This needed to happen here more than anywhere. Designers need to stop promoting anorexia." The Finglas native is set to move to the Big Apple on March 31st. "Im just excited to get there, Ill be staying with friends until I get myself set up � its so great that I have a support base from when I lived there before. "Its going to be such an incredible adventure," she said.