Posted on: 12/31/2014

Targets use of white models for Annie clothing

Targets use of white models for Annie clothing line sparks controversy Target is facing backlash after using white girls to model a new clothing line mirrored after Will Glucks 2014 version of "Annie," played by black actress Quvenzhane Wallis. Prior to "Annies" Dec. 19 release, Target partnered with the movies costume designer, Renee Ehrlich Kalfus, to start a clothing line mirrored after the orphan character, Some of the ads showed a white girl wearing a $29.99 red dress available in Targets "Annie for Target" collection. A petition demanding Target remove the ads and apologize to Ms. Wallis has gained more than 6,000 signatures. "In the current stench of racism and division amongst Americans, why would Target singlehandedly disrespect Quvenzhane Wallis and add more pain to injury as it relates to race relations?" the petition asks. "These grossly misleading ads are adding to the divide and does not give young African American girls aspiring to become actors anything to be optimistic about." Target spokesman Joshua Thomas clarified that the ads for the online store featured one black girl and two white girls, "Girls from a variety of backgrounds were featured within the campaign, reflecting that anyone can embody the spirit and character of Annie". Mr. Thomas said Target has been in contact with Ms. Wallis and her representatives about the situation. that the young actress even went to Minnesota for the collections launch event and helped promote the collection.